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Setting Up an Amazon AWS Account

If you do not have an Amazon AWS account, you can sign up for one easily at http://aws.amazon.com/. Signing up is free and you will only pay for the services that are used. As an example, if you do a load test of 50,000 users for an hour the approximate cost is $2.00 and would be charged to your account on Amazon. There is no fee from RedLine.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Setup Instructions

There are 2 ways to upload AWS credentials. The Cross Account Role method is the preferred method.

  1. Login to the AWS IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home.
  2. Click the “Policies” link, then the “Create Policy” button.
  3. Select the “JSON” tab, then past the following Policy JSON document.
    	"Version": "2012-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
    			"Action": [
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Resource": [
    			"Action": [
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Resource": "*",
    			"Condition": {
    				"StringEquals": {
    					"ec2:ResourceTag/redline": "T"

    The iam:GetUser, iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy, iam:PassRole actions are not required, but allow Redline to validate your policy.

    Used for extended security to limit termination to instance-profiles.
    You will need to also change the condition for stop and terminate to specify the instance profile with privileges.
    "ec2:InstanceProfile": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT:instance-profile/NAME_OF_INSTANCE_PROFILE"
    May be needed if you haven’t used spot instances before and allows AWS to launch instances on your behalf.
    Used to test a policy for permissions

    The actions following the skipped line are not essential, but recommended.
    Used to determine account settings to help us prevent you from starting servers that are incompatible with your AWS account settings
    Used to show list of subnets in a drop down
    Used to show your list of security groups when creating a test

    The actions in the second action step are not required, but are limited to only resources tagged with the redline tag.
    Used to stop instances
    Used to terminate instances from the UI or automated if we find unresponsive redline13 load agent

  4. Click "Review Policy"
  5. Enter a policy name (e.g. “RedlineAccess”). Optionally a description.
  6. Click "Create Policy". You should see 'Policy Name' has been created.
  7. Click the “Roles” link, then the “Create Role” button.
  8. Select the “Another AWS Account” option.
  9. Enter Account ID “635144173025”, check “Require external ID”, and enter the External ID listed on the RedLine13 account setup screen.
  10. On the next step, Select the policy that you created above.
  11. On the Review page, enter a Role Name (E.g. “RedlineAccess”), then click “Create Role”.
  12. On the roles page select (click into) your newly created role
  13. Copy the Role ARN and enter into the RedLine13 form, then submit the form.
  • Login to the AWS IAM console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home.
  • Click the "Create a New Group of Users" button.
  • Enter a Group Name (E.g. "RedlineAccess"), then click continue.
  • Select "Custom Policy", then enter a policy name and the following policy document text.
    	"Version": "2012-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
    			"Action": [
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Resource": [
    			"Action": [
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Resource": "*",
    			"Condition": {
    				"StringEquals": {
    					"ec2:ResourceTag/redline": "T"

    The iam:GetUser, iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy, iam:PassRole actions are not required, but allow Redline to validate your policy.

    Used for extended security to limit termination to instance-profiles.
    You will need to also change the condition for stop and terminate to specify the instance profile with privileges.
    "ec2:InstanceProfile": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT:instance-profile/NAME_OF_INSTANCE_PROFILE"
    May be needed if you haven’t used spot instances before and allows AWS to launch instances on your behalf.
    Used to test a policy for permissions

    The actions following the skipped line are not essential, but recommended.
    Used to determine account settings to help us prevent you from starting servers that are incompatible with your AWS account settings
    Used to show list of subnets in a drop down
    Used to show your list of security groups when creating a test

    The actions in the second action step are not required, but are limited to only resources tagged with the redline tag.
    Used to stop instances
    Used to terminate instances from the UI or automated if we find unresponsive redline13 load agent

  • Add a user name (E.g. "redline") and ensure that "Generate an access key for each User" is checked. Make sure to place this user in the newly created group.
  • Review and submit the form, then copy the AWS key and AWS secret.

Spot Request Limits

Please refer to http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-spot-limits.html for more details on EC2's spot instance limits. Amazon limits the maximum spot price and the maximum number of spot requests per region (this may be as low as 5 servers). The AWS link above includes information on requesting higher limits.