DZone came out with their 7 Best Performance Testing Tools to Look Out for in 2021 and referred to RedLine13 as “this amazing tool”.
It is one of the preferred load testing platforms that runs tests with 500,000 users and 5,000,000 interactions and more with indefinite scaling in the cloud —- DZone January 1, 2021, 7 Best Performance Testing Tools to Look Out for in 2021
DZone talks about using RedLine13 as part of your Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery environment with Jenkins and other platforms. And how testing “all of your applications is easy, from mobile and web applications to APIs and microservices.” They also mention that RedLine13 is an Amazon Web Services Technology Partner for Amazon Load test Tools.
DZone lists some “Crucial Features of the Tool”:
- You can execute an unlimited amount of load testing
- Easily simulate an indefinite amount of users
- The ability of Data retention
- Provides users team management capacities, which permits you to share your several tests and testing data between a team of users
Offer host of several reporting traits that assist you in breakdown your results
Read more in the DZone article and then try RedLine13 for free and see for yourself.