Added Continuous Testing support for CURL and Codeship. This is in addition to existing support for Jenkins.  Continuous Integration (CI) helps automate your code delivery pipeline and enables your teams to collaborate.  Continuous deployment (CD) is the practice of automating the delivery of software to production after passing a series of tests. Which brings us to the need for Continuous Testing. You now have more options for CI/CD Continuous Testing support. We’ve always known that thisRead More →

@RedLine13 Be Prolific We’ve been busy on many upgrades based on customer feedback. We’ve made improvements to our integrations with Jmeter and Gatling, done a number of upgrades based on new AWS like new EC2 sizes and regions and Aurora, and made some nice improvements on the UI and graphing.   Very excited to have also announced our partnership with UBIKLoadPack.     JMeter Updates We are very excited for all the JMeter work this past month including ourRead More →

This tweet by Tobias Baldauf pointing out the change in time to first byte from the HTTP Archive Data peaked my interest.  In this thread would like to open up the data to everyone and put a few ideas on why this decline for “Time to First Byte”.   (Here is a side-bar post on the great data made available via HTTP Archive. Learn More About HTTP Archive) Time To First Byte (TTFB) worsened by ~0.5s for the topRead More →

The HTTPArchive has a mission of recording the performance information and makeup of the web. In addition to the content of web pages, it’s important to record how this digitized content is constructed and served. The HTTP Archive provides this record. It is a permanent repository of web performance information such as size of pages, failed requests, and technologies utilized. This performance information allows us to see trends in how the Web is built and providesRead More →