Running load tests on IP whitelisted applications can be difficult when load agents get random IP addresses from AWS. This can be particularly difficult when your application is not running in AWS. One solution to this problem is to use NAT Gateways with Elastic IPs. The Elastic IP can be whitelisted with your application allowing the load agents to reach your private targets. Step 1: Set up VPC subnets (if needed) Go to the AWS VPCRead More →

A frequent request from Operations to QA teams: If you want to load test I will need the public IP address for your load agents. It is a fair request from Operations teams, but by default load agents are ephemeral. Some of the expensive tools provide their own load agents with fixed IPs, which you pay a large premium for. Check box for “Associate Public IP Address” Situation: You can whitelist all of EC2 IP ranges, don’t mind changing white list onRead More →

To use specific IP addresses for your test you will need to setup Elastic IP on your AWS account and associate it to a running load agent. Setting up Elastic IPs on AWS are documented here. As the standard load agents created are ephemeral and therefore hard to associate a public IP to we recommend using a paid RedLine13 account. This will give you access to our ‘Server Management’ Feature. You would schedule your loadRead More →

AWS released an updated to test resource-level permissions using the IAM Policy Simulator and APIs to support this.  We thought this would be a great capability making it easier to validate the connection between your AWS Cloud and RedLine13. Step 1 : Setup your Key This is documented in the entry Linking Accounts Setup or directly in line [] while configuring your keys. Step 2. Click Validate Policy Step 3. Validate Results We will call out anything improperly configuredRead More →