RedLine13 was built with a focus on JMeter cloud-based load testing, allowing you to scale your JMeter tests to any size. Tests run on RedLine13 work with Apache JMeter and other open-source platforms and plugins. Additionally, you can use the advanced automation features to make testing part of your CI/CD environment with Jenkins and other platforms.
The costs associated with running and maintaining the hardware needed for performance can be very high. The modern cloud services that RedLine13 is built upon can bring down the costs associated with testing and make it more accessible.
Open Architecture
The open architecture RedLine13 is built on is a cornerstone feature. It allows you to precisely tune and control your cloud load agents for any given requirement, with the ability to repeatedly and reproducibly scale your tests.
Scaling Your JMeter Load Test
It is easy to scale out your JMeter test plan on the cloud with RedLine13. In this video and subsequent guide, we provide a walk-through in running your first JMeter test using our platform.
JMeter Plugins
Any plugin from the JMeter plugin website can be attached to your RedLine13 load test and is further described here on our blog. The JMeter Video Streaming with UBIK Load Pack Video Steaming Plugin is one popular example.
Build, Deploy and Load Test your Project Continuously with Jenkins
You can use the open-source Jenkins CI/CD utility to build, deploy, and test your project continuously. RedLine13 supports integration with Jenkins, enabling your load test plans to be executed directly. This is further described here on our blog.
AWS-RedLine13 Partnership
Using AWS translates to cost-effective load testing, with that cost savings passed directly onto you. RedLine13 does not charge for any AWS resource. You can sign up for a free AWS account here.