If you have never run a load test on RedLine13, you can find tutorial articles on our blog that correspond to each load test type below:
Simple URL – This post and video demonstrates how to run a simple URL test in order to gauge the performance of a website. If you’re new to load testing in general, this is a good starting point to get acquainted with RedLine13.
JMeter – This is the most popular load testing framework amongst our users. In addition, Apache JMeter is considered an industry standard load testing tool. Running a JMeter test in the cloud has the benefit of practically unlimited scale. This video and subsequent guide will walk you through running your first JMeter test on RedLine13.
Selenium – This includes a video to walk you through the steps that you take to start load testing your Selenium WebDriver scripts.
Postman – Postman is used for building, testing, and delivering API’s. To do the testing in the cloud we integrated Postman with RedLine13 to run any Postman collection inside RedLine13 as a performance test.
Gatling – There is a plugin for RedLine13 users to execute Gatling tests using SBT + Java.
Write Open Load Tests in Your Language – Load Tests can be written in PHP, Node.JS, or Python using your own libraries and supporting packages.