Ubik released the latest version of their JMeter Video Streaming Plugin (HLS, MPEG-DASH, HSS, HDS). It works seamlessly with RedLine13 like all Apache JMeter plugins. It includes major enhancements and increased integration with RedLine13.
The reporting now outputs SampleResults as soon as they come so the throughput, response time, etc. will be live and visible in RedLine13 real-time monitoring. Real-time results allow you to detect performance issues during your test, giving you time to inspect your application logging and finding bottlenecks during a test.
It now splits results by Type (Chunk, Manifest) and media (Video, Audio, Subtitles) so the output is much more meaningful in the RedLine13 live dashboard than before. This allows you to understand the components of the performance within video streaming.
All UBIK Load Pack products are built by Apache JMeter experts. They are a major contributor to the Apache JMeter project.
Using the JMeter Video Streaming Plugin with RedLine13
Once you’ve completed your testing locally and are ready to scale, you can use the UBIK Load Pack Video Streaming Plugin on RedLine13. Log into your RedLine13 account, click “Start Test”, and then navigate to the “JMeter” tab. Once there, expand the “Advanced JMeter Test Options” tab at the bottom of the page. Additionally, if you’re a premium RedLine13 user you can click “Save the response output from individual tests. Capture Images, Generate JMeter Reports, calculate percentiles” so that you can download the JMeter HTML report once the test has completed.
From here you can apply the ULP Video Stream Plugin to your load tests. Simply check the box next to “UBIKLoadPack Stream” and upload your plugin’s license. Hit “Start Test”, and you’re all set!
Once your test has completed, you can view your results. In addition:
- While the test is running, RedLine13 provides live graphs so you don’t need to wait for completion,
- You can see errors live, as opposed to waiting until after test completion and downloading the JMeter report.
- At the end of the report, RedLine13 will generate the JMeter Dashboard report. Power JMeter users like to see the results in a format they are used to, read more about this feature here.
- RedLine13 provides a merged CSV across all AWS instances,
- As a consequence, RedLine13 allows easy load testing from multiple worldwide locations.
As described above, the UBIK plugin emits metrics for video and metadata, this is available real-time in the RedLine13 graphs as you can see below.