Your Cloud, Your Load Tests

With RedLine13’s open architecture, we provide an easy, accessible, and cheap means for load testing. Precisely tune and control your cloud load agents for any given requirement, and then easily scale and repeatedly test with little effort.



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Cross Account Roles

Cross account roles are the approved method for SAAS providers, like RedLine13, to work across accounts.

Multiple Account Support

We can control multiple AWS accounts allowing increased load testing or controlled account usage.

Permission Validation

A tool to validate you have the appropriate permissions to launch tests.

Limited # of Permissions

We only require permissions we need to control and provide information about the load agents we launch.

SubNet and Security Group selection

By using specific subnets and security groups wihtin your AWS environment we play nices with internal IT policies.



Select regions around the world for load agent locations.   We support all current AWS regions and committed to growing with Amazon.

Spot or On-Demand

For optimal pricing use Spot instances for guaranteed runs use On-Demand servers.


We support the majority of EC2 sizes and can add news ones as they come on the market.


Tag your load agents for identification and internal price reporting.

Disk Size

Soak and WebDriver tests can generate artifacts that grow in size for large tests, increase disk size to support these tests.

# of Servers by region and size

Soak and WebDriver tests can generate artifacts that grow in size for large tests, increase disk size to support these tests.

Test Types

Apache JMeter

Launch JMeter Agents, collect aggregate results, generate JMeter Report, download all artifacts.

Simple Api

Launch a web performance test, simulating tens of thousands of users instantly.

PHP, NodeJS, Python

Write custom load tests in your language.  Use the minimal RedLine13 harness to capture results. 

Gatling is an open-source load testing framework based on Scala, Akka and Netty

Using RedLine13 write custom plugins and wrappers allowing you to hand off tests from Dev to QA with no more dev needed.

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