We are pleased to announce that you can now use Selenium WebDriver to create and run performance tests on RedLine13. You only need change how you load the driver; this will not impact your existing WebDriver scripts at all. By using your existing scripts (or new ones), you can launch PhantomJS, Chrome, or Firefox instances in the cloud simulating hundreds or thousands of users.
We have load tested a 5,000 real user simulation with a WebDriver script that we could run locally or in the cloud. Using PhantomJS as the browser, the cost of this test was $10 per hour.
Getting Started: Video + Walkthrough
To see the step by step instructions read the blog post here.
In the video guide above, we walk you through the steps that you take to start load testing your Selenium WebDriver scripts.
RedLine13 continues to make performance testing available to any organization removing all obstacles. Teams no longer have to worry about learning new technology, use what you know. Organizations no longer have to be worried about paying too much for running load tests all day long or thinking about being locked-in to expensive tools.