On December 8th, Amazon added new servers in Canada that will be offered to their AWS users, further expanding their infrastructure. RedLine13 has now added support for the Canadian servers (ca-central-1), giving you even more flexibility when it comes to scaling load tests in the cloud.
With this new addition, RedLine13 users can now run tests on servers in:
- Canada (ca-central-1)
- Virginia (us-east-1)
- Ohio (us-east-2)
- California (us-west-1)
- Oregon (us-west-2)
- Ireland (eu-west-1)
- Frankfurt, Germany (eu-central-1)
- Sao Paolo, Brazil (sa-east-1)
- Mumbai, India (ap-south-1)
- Singapore (ap-southeast-1)
- Sydney, Australia (ap-southeast-2)
- Tokyo, Japan (ap-northeast-1)
- Seoul, South Korea (ap-northeast-2)
To start testing in this new location (or in any location) log into your RedLine13 account, hit “Start New Test” , and then expand the “Advanced Cloud Options Tabs”. From there, simply select “Canada (central)(ca-central-1) or your preferred location.