We are pleased to announce that RedLine13 now supports Gatling version 2.2.X, scaled-out Gatling-Reports, and everything that it has to offer. We’ve made a few other updates and improvements to the RedLine13 and Gatling services that will make cloud load testing easier and cheaper for our users.
Features and Updates include:
- Added full support for Gatling 2.2.x
- See what’s new in Gatling 2.2
- Additionally, we have removed support for Gatling 2.0.x
- Added Support for using Maven & Gatling
- Based on user feedback, we have now added support for executing Gatling tests using Maven.
- Maven version 3.0.5, Java version1.8.0_91
- Gatling & RedLine13 metrics now support detailed percentiles/reporting features:
- Ability to generate Gatling reports across multiple servers and load agents
- RedLine13 now supports Gatling 2.2.0 in our User Interface and Gatling 2.2.x via Maven execution.
- You can now download your full Gatling report:
- Easily open and view your dowloaded report in your browser: