When we first launched with Gatling the community had released 2.0.2 and only a few months later they are at 2.1.4. This community is going fast and furious building better releases. We encourage folks to move to the newest version, but if you are still on 2.0.2 we added multiple version support for Gatling. We will try to keep up with the community as they keep improving the project.
Selecting your version for Gatling by using the version drop down as seen below.
JMeter, on the other hand, is slow and steady while always being stable. Recently we found hit a test plan that worked in 2.11, but failed in 2.12 (related to post-processors and encoding). While the test started failing in 2.12 the community fix was correct and we needed to change our test. We know these types of issues can happen to customers and you don’t always have the time to upgrade your test runner. To help folks out, we added support for JMeter 2.11 and 2.12. We will do this going forward and based on usage of older versions announce when an older version will no longer be supported.
Selecting your version for JMeter as showing in the screen shot below